Tuesday 5 October 2010

Being part of the solution...

As a public relations professional, with a fierce passion for the environment, it rattles me to the core to know that the industry i have become apart of is a major cause of the MASS CONFUSION and misconception of the urgency of global warming. "Spin Doctors" is a common term to describe what we are PR people do. Yes, this is true for many lobbyist and industry funded "think tanks" with a clear mission to plant the seeds of doubt in the minds of global citizens.

I recently read Climate Cover-up by James Hoggan, this book made me angry, upset and at times a little hopeless. But I am forever an optimist and truly believe that man kind will rise above and face the the greatest threat to our planet (fingers-crossed). 

I leave you with the wise words of Albert Einstein....
We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.