Tuesday 30 November 2010

Wednesday 3 November 2010


Ok, it wasn't my intention for this blog to become my platform for climate injustices. But...I'm outraged! I was stunned the other day I was listening to 102.1 the edge, and this PSA sounding advertisement caught my ear. Usually I turn the radio down during the commercial breaks. But this was different.  It talked about how the media blows climate change out of proportion to scare the masses, as it makes for good ratings, and that we should all be questioning climate change. 

FACT: The scientific basis for the Greenhouse Effect and the potential impact of human emissions of GHG such as CO2 on climate is well established and cannot be denied. 

At the end of the advertisement you are directed to www.climatechange101.ca. A well put together website offering a variety of "resources" I use this term loosely and they are mostly collections of of bogus reports put together by think tanks and lobbyist in benefit of  big oil. Please don't just take my outraged word for it, I invite you to visit the site and do your own research. Look for three key indicators:

1. Does the expert have relevant credentials on the topic he/she is building a case for?
2. Is the expert talking about science , are they still practicing science? Are they still conduction research and publishing in legitimate peer-reviewed journals? 
3.Is the expert taking money from vested interests or is he/she associated with ideological think tanks - the people who rely on their employment on promoting the agenda of their major funders?