Monday 24 January 2011

Friday 21 January 2011


Today I was reminded of why I do what I do. Someone asked me, so you really think things will change ? Now this could be applied to many different "things" - politics, environment, society, economy and so on.  One thing I do know, the only constant is change.  Uplift yourself and rise above the apathetic status-quo, every action we take has the ability to affect positive change.

Thursday 20 January 2011

Ten Thousand Villages

The founder of the organization I work for introduced me to this beautiful and truly remarkable organization about two years ago. Ten Thousand Villages provides vital, fair income to people in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East by selling their hancrafts and telling their stories.

I invite you to visit them online or at one of their store front locations. Here is a sample of the available wares.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Tree House

What kid doesn't dream about having a tree house? These Tree Houses take it to a whole new level. If your interested in more info, check out one of the sites I can't get enough of, Trend Hunter (Eco section of course!) 

Monday 17 January 2011


Ok, so it seems Saturday morning cartoons have been replaced by Saturday morning documentaries. My morning cereal was complemented by "Who Killed the Electric Car?" over the weekend, thank you NetFlix.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Friday 7 January 2011

Global Learning: Zero Waste

On a recent trip to the Ontario Science Centre I came across an inspiring story I thought I would share.
The small town of Kamikatsu in Tokushima  is aiming to become a “zero-waste” community by 2020. The village's residents must sort their  waste into 34 different recycling containers. Watch their story below.