Sunday 15 May 2011

And they lived happily ever after....

I'm fully aware this image has already made it's way through the social media channels. However, as a hopeless romantic and Disney enthusiast, it deserves yet another mention. 

I'm still trying to figure out where the prince and princess cartoon are from? 

Saturday 14 May 2011

Rio 2016

The Solar City Tower will be the welcome  symbol for the 2016 Olympic Games. The tower will capture solar energy and supply the Olympic City and parts of Rio. The massive structure pumps water from the  ocean to create a waterfall (which stimulates turbines, that produce energy during the night). Oh did I mention it will also house the Olympic flame. Check out the architectural renderings below...


Sunday 24 April 2011

post secret

Every Sunday, Postsecret in updated with the thoughts and whispers from people all around the world. Some are heart wrenching and sorrowful, others are humorous and sometimes endearing. It's amazing how many secrets I've come across....that i've thought once or twice. I enjoy the light hearted posts.

Friday 22 April 2011

Earth Day

Good morning, the sun is out, the birds are restless and Twitter and Facebook are a buzz with Earth Day sentiments. Enjoy the day, show mother nature some love and maybe read an article or two on how you can celebrate Earth Day not only today, but every day. Here's a link to a story I was interviewed for, Celebrating Earth Day Naturally (page. 16).  

Currumbin Rock Pools, Australia  

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Monday 18 April 2011

The Doors of the 21st Century

Obviously still on my Doors kick. Back in 2004, I saw The Doors of the 21st Century perform-Ian Astbury did an incredible job emulating Jim.

ecoDriver, what's with all the buzz?

On my way into work today I reluctantly had to stop to get gas. I drive a Smart Car, with a small tank that holds about 32liters. With the price of fuel continuing to climb, it's not-so- cheap to drive my little Smart anymore. I can't even imagine how expensive it is to fill up a sedan, SUV or minivan. It's becoming less and less economical to drive. We have become addicted to convenience and we blindly and faithfully continue to depend on fossil fuels to feed our addiction. OK I'm rambling. My message - get outside of your car and start incorporating a mix of commuter options. And when you do need to drive, use these techniques, to save on fuel and reduce your emissions. 

I've delivered  the ecoDriver program in Durham Region for about 2 and half years, now more then ever it makes sense as suburban communities to drive fuel efficiently, buy a fuel efficient vehicle and DRIVE LESS

Monday 11 April 2011

Mr Mojo Risin

In between lounging, walks on the beach and the occasional volleyball game, I took some time on vacation to indulge in a little rock history. My sister gave me her tattered copy of No One Here Gets Out Alive when I was 14, I was instantly enthralled with Jim Morrison. 10 year later it still has the same effect. Highly recommend. 

The Green Living Show

The Green Living Show starts this friday and runs until Sunday. This year's show looks promising, with something for everyone. Here's a look at last year...

Friday 11 March 2011

Earth Hour

For one hour on March 26th, the world will come together to turn off the lights in a united front to combat climate change. I invite you to watch the video below.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Spring is in the Air

No the snow hasn't melted, and yes the salt trucks are still out in full force. But a sure sign of Spring are the flood of emails in my inbox, with subject lines touting , Gardening Workshop and DIY projects. I've never had a desire to garden, sure they look gorgeous, but I never made the effort. It's been top priority lately to eat locally, Durham Region offers a rich bounty of local food options. This spring I'll be taking full advantage of these workshops and DIY tutorials, stay tuned, this will get messy. If you're interested in joining me on this endevour, check out the Green Living website.

Tuesday 22 February 2011


Kurt Cobain would have been 44 years old this past Sunday. A group of fans marked the occasion with a cleanup of the park adjacent to his former home. Viretta Park has become a gathering spot for fans to converge and pay tribute to grunge icon. 


Kurt Cobain would have been 44 years old this past Sunday. A group of fans marked the occasion with a cleanup of the park adjacent to his former home.  Viretta Park has become a gathering spot for fans to converge and pay tribute to grunge icon. 

Monday 21 February 2011

Refuse & Reduce

We're all taught the 3 R's growing up Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Ingrained in our young minds, this becomes a habit at an early age that we carry with us. We as North Americans consume beyond our needs and waste at exponential rates.  Here is a  family, that take living a zero-waste lifestyle very seriously.

I'm looking forward to taking on something similar this spring to reduce waste at home,  this isn't impossible and we can all do our part to use less and find real solutions. Read the full article @Huffington Post .

Saturday 19 February 2011

Sun & Sand

On days like today, I just think 38 more days until Punta Cana. Bring on the beach!

Thursday 17 February 2011

Polluter Harmony

This love story is brought to you by Greenpeace Canada, c/o @MikeHudema. I invite you to watch the video below and visit

Tuesday 15 February 2011

There was a time...

Heard this song on the way into work today, I wonder if Steven Tyler will perform on idol? Apparently Aerosmith's album sales are up 260 per cent since his debut on the show. Maybe him and Jen will do a duet (ha!) Let me just point out, I'm an Aerosmith fan, I do not endorse American Idol.

Sunday 13 February 2011

à bientôt mon ami

True friends are few and far between. I treasure these relationships.  My best friend is moving out west today to pursue new opportunities and embark on the next chapter of his journey. I'm so proud and excited, à bientôt mon ami (the Dr. Seuss reference is fitting). 

Thursday 10 February 2011

Be Mine

I'm the first to admit, I'm not a fan of the commercialism of Valentine's Day. But boy-oh-boy, wouldn't this just take your breath away. This is my idea of a candle light dinner xo

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Imagination is more important than knowledge

Has anyone been on Google today? OK rhetorical question, I know you have. I honestly enjoy when they  pay subtle tributes via their Google Doodle .  Today's was pretty neat, although I must admit I had no idea what the significance was, I found the navigational joy stick to the right entertaining. With a simple click of the mouse on said logo, voila, today is Jules Verne's Birthday (light goes off, nautical reference understood). What I find fascinating about Verne is he wrote about space, air and underwater travel before they were even invented.  A true example of the power of imagination - 106 years later we're still inspired by his work. 

Monday 7 February 2011

Friday 4 February 2011

Street Work

An Anonymous british graffiti artist has adorned the streets ,walls and bridges of cities around the world with social and political commentary. Some like, some don't, it's open to interpretation.  Here are a few, more at

Wednesday 2 February 2011

TIm Burton: Toronto

I recently had the pleasure of attending the Tim Burton exhibit at the Bell Lightbox. For about an hour and a half i walked through Tim's twisted creative journey. From his early work Vincent to his widely popular Alice in Wonderland adaptation.  I recommend the exhibit to fellow super fans and to those curious about Tim's monstrous imagination. Highlights for me included, movie memorabilia from Beetlegeuse, Edward Scissorhands and his own personal polaroid collection.  Below are a few of his early sketches, a real treat to see the evolution of his work.

The Wilderness Downtown

So this post may be a little dated, but trust me this exercise is worth the 5 minutes. You must download Google Chrome in order to get the full experience.  

Step 1 - Download Google Chrome.

Step 2 - Make your way to

Step 3 - Enter the address of where you grew up, press search.

Step 4 - Watch the short film. 

Step 5 - Write a postcard of advice to the you that lived there then. 

Step 6 - Share with others. 

The Wilderness Downtown

So this post may be a little dated, but trust me this exercise is worth the 5 minutes. You must download Google Chrome in order for this to work.  

Step 1 - Download Google Chrome.

Step 2 - Make your way to

Step 3 - Enter the address of where you grew up, press search.

Step 4 - Watch the short film. 

Step 5 - Write a postcard of advice to the you that lived there then. 

Step 6 - Share with others. 

Monday 24 January 2011

Friday 21 January 2011


Today I was reminded of why I do what I do. Someone asked me, so you really think things will change ? Now this could be applied to many different "things" - politics, environment, society, economy and so on.  One thing I do know, the only constant is change.  Uplift yourself and rise above the apathetic status-quo, every action we take has the ability to affect positive change.

Thursday 20 January 2011

Ten Thousand Villages

The founder of the organization I work for introduced me to this beautiful and truly remarkable organization about two years ago. Ten Thousand Villages provides vital, fair income to people in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East by selling their hancrafts and telling their stories.

I invite you to visit them online or at one of their store front locations. Here is a sample of the available wares.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Tree House

What kid doesn't dream about having a tree house? These Tree Houses take it to a whole new level. If your interested in more info, check out one of the sites I can't get enough of, Trend Hunter (Eco section of course!) 

Monday 17 January 2011


Ok, so it seems Saturday morning cartoons have been replaced by Saturday morning documentaries. My morning cereal was complemented by "Who Killed the Electric Car?" over the weekend, thank you NetFlix.

Wednesday 12 January 2011