Monday 18 April 2011

ecoDriver, what's with all the buzz?

On my way into work today I reluctantly had to stop to get gas. I drive a Smart Car, with a small tank that holds about 32liters. With the price of fuel continuing to climb, it's not-so- cheap to drive my little Smart anymore. I can't even imagine how expensive it is to fill up a sedan, SUV or minivan. It's becoming less and less economical to drive. We have become addicted to convenience and we blindly and faithfully continue to depend on fossil fuels to feed our addiction. OK I'm rambling. My message - get outside of your car and start incorporating a mix of commuter options. And when you do need to drive, use these techniques, to save on fuel and reduce your emissions. 

I've delivered  the ecoDriver program in Durham Region for about 2 and half years, now more then ever it makes sense as suburban communities to drive fuel efficiently, buy a fuel efficient vehicle and DRIVE LESS

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