Monday 27 December 2010

Resolutions Anyone...

I'm not usually one for resolutions. Historically I've made resolutions and they last about a minute. Since September of this year i've been practicing yoga.  It's helped with my flexibility and balance, but other beautiful results have blossomed. For me this news year my commitment is to myself and to further my practice. 


I practice at a beautiful studio, Balanced Life Yoga

Thursday 16 December 2010

Real Time.

This is a real-time simulation that displays the CO2 emissions of every country in the world.

Monday 13 December 2010

Our Friend the Atom

Disney used his TV show to teach about atomic power, in terms that made it accessible to everyone. I wonder what tale we could parallel with renewables?

Sunday 12 December 2010

Good News from Cancun

The United Nations Climate Change Conference just wrapped up in Cancun....and it's good news. 
"This agreement was a remarkable turnaround for a multilateral approach to address climate change, including commitments on emissions from all the world's major economies." - World Resources Institute
Read up here. 

Friday 10 December 2010

The Power of Giving....

Please watch. 


As a 20 something who would like to have kids (one day) I often wonder, what is the world going to look like for my kids? Look at the mess my parent's generation has left for us to clean-up. The challenge - how do we inspire youth of today to take action and lead us to a bright future, when the generation before us  has dropped the ball? The answer- connect them with the natural world around them. How can we ask this generation to care when they have no idea what the "environment" is? Countless hours (on average 6 a day) in front of a glowing computer screen or television. They have replaced nature walks and bike rides and it's time to reclaim the natural world around us and get dirty. How can we expect the generations of today and tomorrow to care of the earth if they have never touched it, tasted it, felt it or experienced it?
Here's a great place to start.

But in the process try not to get to depressed, be positive and remember simple steps, bright future.

Monday 6 December 2010

Effective Messaging

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I applaud Greenpeace for consistent creativity in getting their msg out there.

More info at 

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Wednesday 3 November 2010


Ok, it wasn't my intention for this blog to become my platform for climate injustices. But...I'm outraged! I was stunned the other day I was listening to 102.1 the edge, and this PSA sounding advertisement caught my ear. Usually I turn the radio down during the commercial breaks. But this was different.  It talked about how the media blows climate change out of proportion to scare the masses, as it makes for good ratings, and that we should all be questioning climate change. 

FACT: The scientific basis for the Greenhouse Effect and the potential impact of human emissions of GHG such as CO2 on climate is well established and cannot be denied. 

At the end of the advertisement you are directed to A well put together website offering a variety of "resources" I use this term loosely and they are mostly collections of of bogus reports put together by think tanks and lobbyist in benefit of  big oil. Please don't just take my outraged word for it, I invite you to visit the site and do your own research. Look for three key indicators:

1. Does the expert have relevant credentials on the topic he/she is building a case for?
2. Is the expert talking about science , are they still practicing science? Are they still conduction research and publishing in legitimate peer-reviewed journals? 
3.Is the expert taking money from vested interests or is he/she associated with ideological think tanks - the people who rely on their employment on promoting the agenda of their major funders? 

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Being part of the solution...

As a public relations professional, with a fierce passion for the environment, it rattles me to the core to know that the industry i have become apart of is a major cause of the MASS CONFUSION and misconception of the urgency of global warming. "Spin Doctors" is a common term to describe what we are PR people do. Yes, this is true for many lobbyist and industry funded "think tanks" with a clear mission to plant the seeds of doubt in the minds of global citizens.

I recently read Climate Cover-up by James Hoggan, this book made me angry, upset and at times a little hopeless. But I am forever an optimist and truly believe that man kind will rise above and face the the greatest threat to our planet (fingers-crossed). 

I leave you with the wise words of Albert Einstein....
We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. 

Thursday 30 September 2010

All Hallows Eve

On the eve of my favorite month of the year, I thought it would be fitting to share some of the festivities I appreciate and highly recommend.BEWARE! these activities are not for the faint of heart!

Halloween Haunt - Canada's Wonderland
Whats scarier then an amusement park at night crawling with zombies, vampires and freaks! (riding on the Behemouth at night is a thrill all on it's own!)


Magic Hill Haunted Adventure  
This place scared the be-jesus out of me as a kid! You're literally at a farm in the middle of no where. Don't be alarmed if your chased by a homicidal maniac with a chainsaw. 

It indicates on their FB Fan Page they are closed until further notice, shame.
Blackcreek Pioneer Village - All Hallows Eve
This is one attraction I haven't tried yet, it sells out every year! At Blackcreek you step back in time and find yourself in a 19th century country village during the All Hallows Eve. Ghost walks, urban legends, and haunted mazes. This is going to be a treat! 


Tuesday 28 September 2010

The first of many...

This has been a long time coming, and it has finally arrived! Welcome to my new blog, et cetera.... Why the name? I didn't want to be to specific on the content, and et cetera in latin means "other things". I'm sure this blog will turn into an eclectic collection of all things near and dear to my heart.  Lets start with a picture...

Would anyone like to join me? 

Bora Bora, French Polynesia