Friday 10 December 2010


As a 20 something who would like to have kids (one day) I often wonder, what is the world going to look like for my kids? Look at the mess my parent's generation has left for us to clean-up. The challenge - how do we inspire youth of today to take action and lead us to a bright future, when the generation before us  has dropped the ball? The answer- connect them with the natural world around them. How can we ask this generation to care when they have no idea what the "environment" is? Countless hours (on average 6 a day) in front of a glowing computer screen or television. They have replaced nature walks and bike rides and it's time to reclaim the natural world around us and get dirty. How can we expect the generations of today and tomorrow to care of the earth if they have never touched it, tasted it, felt it or experienced it?
Here's a great place to start.

But in the process try not to get to depressed, be positive and remember simple steps, bright future.

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