Sunday 12 December 2010

Good News from Cancun

The United Nations Climate Change Conference just wrapped up in Cancun....and it's good news. 
"This agreement was a remarkable turnaround for a multilateral approach to address climate change, including commitments on emissions from all the world's major economies." - World Resources Institute
Read up here. 


  1. James, I completely agree, I try to take the lighter approach to presenting information on my blog, all the doom and gloom (which yes is completely valid) doesn't really inspire people. If more of us would consume less, live within our needs, drive less, eat local, turn down the heat, stop buying bottled water etc... We could do so much. We as consumers have the power to make incredible transformations. It unfortunate that our elected leaders cannot get the job done, I believe in grassroots movements, take our fate into our own hands, start acting today and stop waiting for someone else to figure it out tomorrow.

  2. Rachael, very well written response. I suspect you are spot on with respect to my doom and gloom blog. I feel a great sense of urgency and to often lack the ability to soften my tone. You have a great blog. Keep writing!
